Tuesday 12 February 2013


I've desoldered all the remaining connections in the Westone now; there weren't many left and it seemed to make sense to disconnect everything and start again from scratch. I'll be following the circuit diagram on westone.info once I start putting everything back together.

Once the desoldering was done, I mounted the switches, pots and jack onto a piece of cardboard, in positions corresponding to their mountings in the guitar - this will make it easier to solder the rather fiddly connections than trying to do it all with everything still in the cavity. I may have to do some or all of the pickup and battery clip connections once everything's mounted back in the cavity, but the more I can do with it all accessible the better. The preamp circuit is mounted to the back of the cavity cover, which may make those connections a little awkward, but I'd rather not remove it if I can help it, and I doubt it'd make much difference anyway.

Some photos:

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