Tuesday 19 February 2013

Soldered, Part 1

Soldering commenced at the weekend - the first time I've done any since I was at school, so progress was a little faltering at first! I started with a few of the ground wires, checking each connection carefully with the multimeter as I went along:

These all seemed to be OK, so I carried on with some more of the connections between them, including the shielded wire (salvaged from the scraps that came with the guitar) from the input jack to the volume pot, and the tone capacitor:

The soldering is a bit messy in places, but I've checked everything as I've gone along and it all seems fine. We'll see if it all works OK once it's finished and plugged in, but I'm happy with the results so far! There are a couple more wires to be added between these components, then I'll be able to connect up the preamp circuit, and after that, get it all mounted into the cavity and connect the pickups and battery clips.

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