Sunday 30 October 2011

Taking Shape

On the advice of Jim Fleeting (see comments on my previous post, Plan B), I bought a rasp this week, and attacked the Marlin with it this afternoon. It was fairly hard work, possibly because I'm in no way used to such manual labour - but the results were pretty satisfying. Here's a pic:

As you can see, I've taken it fairly close to the line all the way round, so it's really starting to take the shape of what I hope to end up with.

Here's the pile of wood dust I ended up with:

There was some splintering but that's probably inevitable, and it doesn't really matter at this stage. I'll have a go at the top of the body in a few days' time, and probably try to get a bit closer to the line round the bottom too.


  1. Hope I'm not teaching my Granny to suck eggs, here, but the rasp should be fairly easy, so if it's hard work, maybe your technique is wrong.

    I appreciate that the rasp is not a finesse tool, but it still has a technique. Bang on a pair of gloves, and use both hands. Even though a rasp only has 1 handle, it's a two handed tool. Get you left hand on the other end, and if it's a fairly course rasp, you should rip through it.

    Obviously, a router with a template would mean you could do it in about 5 minutes, but I appreciate you don't have access to them.

  2. To be fair, my technique almost certainly is wrong - I certainly had no idea it should be used two-handed. I've never done any woodworking at all before so I'm learning all this as I go along. "Hard work" is probably a bit relative though, I just meant it took a bit of elbow grease, not something I'm too used to with a career in IT!

    I was only at it for about an hour (with a few short breaks) so I was happy with how much I achieved in that time, comparing the results from yesterday with the "before" pics from a couple of posts back. I think this plywood seems pretty tough, not that I have anything to compare it with, but the rasp did chew through it fairly quickly once I put some effort in.

    A router would be nice, but I need to get a bit further (and a few more projects) down the road before I can justify that sort of outlay :-)

    Next week is booked off work, so more progress then hopefully.
