Monday 24 October 2011

Plan B

Had a go at using a spokeshave to start carving the body yesterday...bit of a disaster really! The spokeshave barely made an impression, it was like trying to carve rock. I suspect that the glue between the layers of plywood is simply too hard for it, so I need to come up with a new plan. I think that my next attempt will be to try using the power sander on it, with some coarse paper, and see how well that works.

More reports once I've actually made some progress!


  1. Hi Steve

    If you don't mind taking a bit of advice, you'll be there forever with a sander. I can't imagine how long that would take.

    Use a rasp to hog off the wood, then a file to get rid of the rasp marks and doing the fine carving to get rid of the bumps, then sand it through various grits.

  2. Any advice is much appreciated, thanks!

    I was figuring the sander would probably take ages, but it seemed so rock hard with the spokeshave that I thought something powered might be my only option, even if it's a very time-consuming option. The perils of working with plywood I suppose.

    I'll head down to B&Q next chance I get, grab a rasp and give it a go - I've already got a set of files as I knew they'd come in useful sooner or later whatever I used to get rid of the bulk of it. The spokeshave is getting put away somewhere for a future project though...

