Sunday 16 September 2012

It's Been A While...

Well, even by my standards, it's been a long while since I posted anything on here!

I did do some more work around the cavities back in May, including cutting the covers from a piece of 3.6mm plywood - they were cut pretty roughly, as you can see here in a photo I took back in May:

Then came something of a hiatus over the summer (such as it was!) but over the last couple of weekends I've finally had time to work on them a bit more and get both the covers and the cavity recesses down to a state where they're almost ready to be glued in. The edges of the recesses were naturally a little untidy so they've been tidied up a bit, and obviously there was a lot to sand off the edges of the covers. It's slow work, and I guess the progress may not be entirely clear from photos (and the blog pretty much stands or falls on the photos!) but all three covers are pretty much down to the right size, and the larger of the two rectangular ones has also got the recess almost down to the required level.

There's just a little more careful sanding and filing to do, and I'll be ready to glue them into place. There will probably be some slight gaps in places around the edges of the covers, but they will be easy enough to fill.

In hindsight, this has been a lot of work, and maybe trying to find the money for a decent router might've been worth it - but doing it by hand has been really rewarding. I'm glad it's almost done though!